Civ II Terrain

This table gives a brief description of the different types of terrain.
  • Terrain - The type of terrain.
  • Movement - The number of movement points used up while travelling over this terrain.
  • Defence - This * 50% gives defence factor of unit occupying it.
  • Food - The amount of food on the undeveloped terrain.
  • Shields - The amount of shields on the undeveloped terrain.
  • Trade - The amount of trade on the undeveloped terrain.
  • Irrigate - If it is worth irrigating, or what terrain it will be transformed to.
  • Extra - Extra food from irrigating.
  • Turns - Turns for sttler to make change.
  • Mine - If it is worth mining, or what terrain it will be transformed to.
  • Extra - Extra. Extra shields from irrigating.
  • Turns - Turns for sttler to make change.
  • Transform - Terrain transformed to when transformed with engineers.
  • Resources - Resources available.
Terrain Movement Defence Food Shields Trade Irrigate Extra Turns Mine Extra Turns Transform Resources
Desert 1 2 0 1 0 yes 1 5 yes 1 5 Plains Oasis, oil
Plains 1 2 1 1 0 yes 1 5 Forest 0 15 Grassland Buffalo, wheat
Grsslnd 1 2 2 1 0 yes 1 5 Forest 0 10 Hills Grassland (shield)
Forest 2 3 1 2 0 Plains 0 5 no 0 5 Grassland Pheasant, silk
Hills 2 4 1 0 0 yes 1 10 yes 3 10 Plains Coal, wine
Mountns 3 6 0 1 0 no 1 10 yes 1 10 Hills Gold, iron
Tundra 1 2 1 0 0 yes 1 10 no 0 0 Desert Furs, musk ox
Glacier 2 2 0 0 0 no 0 0 yes 1 15 Tundra Ivory, oil
Swamp 2 3 1 0 0 Grsslnd 0 15 Forest 0 15 Plains Peat, spice
Jungle 2 3 1 0 0 Grsslnd 0 15 Forest 0 15 Plains Gems, fruit
Ocean 1 2 1 0 2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Fish, whales

This table shows the possible resources.
  • Terrain - The type of terrain.
  • Movement - The number of movement points used up while travelling over this terrain.
  • Defence - This x 50% gives defence factor of unit occupying it.
  • Food - Food. The amount of food on the undeveloped terrain.
  • Shields - The amount of shields on the undeveloped terrain.
  • Trade - The amount of trade on the undeveloped terrain.
Terrain Movement Defence Food Shields Trade
Oasis 1 2 3 1 0
Buffalo 1 2 1 3 0
Grassland 1 2 2 1 0
Pheasant 2 3 3 2 0
Coal 2 4 1 2 0
Gold 3 6 0 1 6
Game 1 2 3 1 0
Ivory 2 2 1 1 4
Peat 2 3 1 4 0
Gems 2 3 1 0 4
Fish 1 2 3 0 2
Oil 1 2 0 4 0
Wheat 1 2 3 1 0
Grassland 1 2 2 1 0
Silk 2 3 1 2 3
Wine 2 4 1 0 4
Iron 3 6 0 4 0
Furs 1 2 0 4 0
Oil 2 2 0 4 0
Spice 2 3 3 0 4
Fruit 2 3 4 0 1
Whales 1 2 2 2 3

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